We received a letter from USCIS today. Basically, it just states that they received our I-800 application for Meili. I scanned over the letter and sat it down on the table. Something told me to take a better look at it....maybe it was God? I went back to the dining table and really studied the letter. Something wasn't right. My information was correct. It listed Ben and Meili. Then, there it was. Ben's date of birth was listed as 1980 instead of 1970. He was 10 years younger!!! Since all information has to be correct, I will call USCIS on Monday. Better yet, I'll email them. It's just another step in the process to bring Meili home.
Ann sent me 6 new photos this morning. All I can say is WOW! She is getting so tall. She got our first care package too. That's evident by the photo taped to the wall by her crib. It cracks me up -- to think that our faces are on a wall in China for our daughter to look at each day. This photo was taken on 7/11 - just 4 days ago.

We also received more fantastic news! The leader of the orphanage staff provided us with her email address and wants us to skype with them and Meili. They've started doing this for adoptive families. She and her husband know English fairly well. I'm going to contact her this weekend and get this set up ASAP!

Below are Meili's 1st birthday package contents from Ann @ Red Thread. She sent these to Meili's orphanage yesterday. She ordered a cake from a local bakery that should be delivered in 1-2 days. Ann also requested photos from the party. Hopefully, the staff will take a few!
Today I ordered Meili's second care package from Ann @ Red Thread. This will be her third care package total. I selected the standard girl's birthday package and added a book and set of 5 race cars. I know that the race cars aren't 'girly' but it's something that she can hold in her hand/play in her crib. Plus, the race cars can be given to other kids at the orphanage.

I also received the text from USCIS @ 12:43 am, stating that they received our I-800. Actually, I know that they received it on Wednesday but are just now sending us the text message. Whatever. It really doesn't matter. I would love for USCIS to provisionally approve us by the end of July. It's been taking them about 3 weeks, so I think this is a major possibility.
I've had many people ask me what's left. Here is a quick breakdown (information taken from Courtney's website: http://www.china-adoption-online.com/adopting-a-child.html) -----

1) We must file Form I-800 with USCIS. It will take approximately 3 weeks to receive I-800 approval.

2) When we have I-800 approval, our officer will forward our approval to the NVC (National Visa Center). NVC will upload our approval into their system and cable (send) our approval to the US consulate. Then the NVC will issue a letter stating they have done this. It takes about one week to be cabled and another week to receive the letter.

3) Once we receive the NVC letter , we'll immediately send it to our agency! They will deliver this letter to the US consulate in China.

4) When the consulate has our NVC letter, they will issue our Article 5 in 2-3 weeks. The Article 5 is the consulate pre-approving Meili for an immigrant visa. Our agency will have a courier pick up the Article 5 and take it to the CCAA.

5) Once the CCAA receives the Article 5, the Travel Approval will then be issued. This takes around 2-4 weeks. At this point, our agency will finalize travel arrangements for us to go to China and adopt Meili!

6) Secure an immigration appointment with the US consulate. This has to be done in order for them to issue Meili a visa. A US visa allows her to enter the US. She will enter the US as a US citizen.

7) Buy airline tickets.

8) Pack our suitcases and one for Meili.

9) Travel to China and bring Meili home!
Since today was the first day that businesses were open, I met Ben at the credit union to have our notary, Karen, sign about 20+ documents. Karen has notarized almost everything to date. We told her today that we'd bring Meili by once she was home.

After this was completed, I drove over to the post office to express mail 2 packages. One package needed to go back to the agency. It contained the original LOA, copy of the I-800, and various other documents. The second package was sent to the lockbox in Lewisville, Texas. It contained the I-800 and Article 16. Both packages should arrive at their destinations by noon tomorrow. I was going to try and get the visa applications ready too. But, I ran out of time and will do that next week. I'm leaving tomorrow to go to a conference in Chicago. I'd ask Ben to do it but it's just easier for me to take care of the visas next week.
Breaking news alert!

China has issued our LOA. It should arrive at our agency in 2 days.

In less than 10 days, the LOA *should* be here.