This wait sucks! I cannot imagine what it would be like to wait 5+ years for a referral, like the folks in the NSN line have done. They are troopers! I'm impatient. On Saturday, Ben told my parents that he's amazed that I've done so well with the waiting. He hasn't been as involved in the paper chase as I have. He just shows up when I tell him to be somewhere, signs where I point to, and reads what I put in front of him. I'm the one who is online tracking wait times, congratulating those who make it to a milestone, and asking/answering questions from fellow adoptive families (usually other moms). He is just blissfully unaware of everything.

I was very proud of him this weekend! My mom or sister asked me a question regarding using a stroller in China. Without any prompting from me, Ben said that we won't need a stroller because we'll be carrying her everywhere. When asked why, he said that it helps with bonding and stuff. His almost exact words"Because she has to know that we are her parents. She has to get used to us and this is one way to do that." I was proud and shocked at the same time. It looks like all the required Hague training and my words of wisdom have finally settled in.

10 more days to the average wait time for LOA....

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